Week 3 Tools
So many new tools for me this week! I signed up for three new things this week – Reddit, LinkedIn, and Badger – and signing up for all of those things was a bit overwhelming. I didn’t heed the warning to not try and do everything. I summed up each of my thoughts about each of the tools I engaged with this week:
YouTube – I am very familiar with Youtube. I’ve learned so much from Youtube and use it quite often. YouTube helped me successfully pass two courses in the doctoral program. I have a really hard time with Research Statistics, so I needed additional assistance and step-by-step explanations to get concepts. YouTube is one of my staple learning platforms.
Reddit – I’ve googled things and a response or similar question on Reddit has popped up, but I’m not really familiar with the platform. Initially, I decided not to engage in it; but I changed my mind. Why not try it out? I’m not obligated to continue use; so I can at least give it a chance. After signing up, I felt a little overwhelmed with the layout and searching for things. I’ll give it a try again in my down time.
LinkedIn – I am familiar with LinkedIn in theory. I know what it is and how it is used, but I did not have a LinkedIn account previously. I had planned to get one at some point. So why not now? Well, once I actually started signing up for it – I didn’t realize how long and engaged set up would be. I’m sure I have the most boring LinkedIn account – I just gave up after awhile. I plan to go back to it and add more information to my profile eventually.
Badgr – Completely foreign and had not heard of it prior to this week. All signed up. Not really sure how much use I’ll get out of it though.
I’m now wondering how people actually keep up with all of these platforms, if they use them regularly.
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