Week 4 Tools

Most of this week’s tools were pretty familiar to me. I’ve come across Wikipedia, Wikihow, and Quora when googling different things. When reading the article about information sharing on social media sites, it made me think of Wikipedia. The article talked about the dual information credibility problem. I remember being told in high school that Wikipedia wasn’t a reliable source because you couldn’t always verify that the information or the contributor was credible.

I used to live on Pinterest! I’m not on it as much these days, but if I need inspiration for an idea it’s the second place I look – after Tiktok lol. I’ve never created anything on Flickr, but I’ve seen others use Flickr. I don’t think I’m going to engage with Flickr – not right now at least.

Now Diigo – I had heard of it but had never used it. I think it’s going to be super helpful to me even beyond this class. I’m really looking forward to using it ongoing.

In comparison to last week, the tools this week didn’t feel overwhelming. I’m assuming that has something to do with the fact that I was familiar with several of the tools already.


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